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Thursday, December 20, 2012 @6:58 PM

Hi guys!

So, what is Maple Syrup Urine Disease(MSUD)?
-Leucine, isoleucine and valine can only be broken down by 6 proteins that make up a complex called BCKD (branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase)
-People with MSUD have a deficiency in one of the 6 proteins, and therefore can't break down those 3 amino acids

Why is it so serious?
-dangerously high levels of the 3 amino acids will accumulate in the blood, which causes rapid brain cells degeneration and can lead to death if untreated

How do people get MSUD?
-mutation in gene
-autosomal recessive

most common defect: alpha subunit in BCKD complex
caused by mutation in gene on chromosome 19 (BCKDHA gene)

Types of MSUD: 

1) Classic MSUD ( Most common) - Symptoms of this type is normally detected within 4-7 days in newborn infants
- Symptoms include 
  - Infants will die within the 1st month if not detected or left untreated.

2) Intermittent MSUD 
- 2nd most common
- 5% to 50% Branched-chain alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase
- Exhibits classic MSUD symptoms during infections or illnesses.
- Otherwise, infants can still develop normally

3) Intermediate MSUD
- Affected individuals will still have about 3% to 30% of branched-chain alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase
- Can appear well during the neonatal stage.
- So they can live a more normal life, but symptoms can still occur at any age.

4) Thiamine-responsive MSUD
- As the name suggests, Administering thiamine to the patient and a controlled diet will improve their condition
- It is similar to intermediate MSUD

5) E3-deficient MSUD
- Rarest.
- Patients have additional deficient metabolic enzymes.
- Symptoms similar to that of intermediate MSUD but with severe lactic acidosis       

- Newborns are normally screened for MSUD in screening programs.
- It is detected based on physical symptoms, clinical features and by decreased levels of BCKAD enzyme activity causing accumulation of BCAAs, allo-isoleucine, and branched-chain ketoacids (BCKAs) in tissues and plasma.
- Blood test for amino acid levels for those with family history of MSUD.  

- Life long low protein diet
- Thiamine for those with thiamine-responsive MSUD
-loss of appetite
-urine that smells like maple syrup
If left untreated, condition worsen:
-go into coma


Saturday, December 15, 2012 @11:58 PM

Hi everyone

We will be doing a study on maple syrup urine disease! Stay tuned for more posts! :D

About us

Wei Xiang & Melissa(:
Doing MBC project
18 years old

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